What kind of businesswoman will you be in 2021? Are you stuck on start or will you get in the race? Each year you have a new idea that fizzles by March. What is truly holding you back? Why is it that you just can’t seem to get your feet off of the ground? I am Prophetess Sherilyn Bennett, I am also a business owner. I am the proud owner of Camden Lane Creative Agency, an award-winning graphic designer, brand strategist and consultant. I have been in the creative industry for over 20 years but it wasn’t until I lived a Matthew 6:33 life did I truly tap into the business of faith.

You may be shocked to know that my first business failed miserably, I lost about $10,000. The day I sat outside of that failed business is the same day God sent a servant to tell me that I would preach the gospel. I will be transparent and tell you I didn’t immediately accept this call but I am certainly glad I eventually did. It felt like a failure but it was actually a new start!

I am a born mentor. I love helping women of God leap in business. God has given me a very exciting assignment and that is to walk out the next 8 months with a few chosen women who know they have been called into the marketplace but something is yet missing. Our mentoring sessions will not be focused on branding or business things, we’re dealing with all things faith and how it plays a major part in our success!

God gave me the word “Route” for this mentoring program because a route by definition is a way or course taken to get from a starting point to a destination. When God whispered this to me I almost jumped out of my seat. It was perfect. These next 8 months will be a journey. As God instructs me, I will instruct you. I can guarantee you that if you commit to the time and dedication your life will be transformed and as you build your business, God will pave the way.

So, what is the missing thing I mentioned in the paragraph above? It’s your faith. Faith is your foundation and with my mentoring program we will discover and grow our faith as Kingdom women in business. Our foundation is the ROCK! You see, it doesn’t matter what we build if it is not foundationally sound. Our best laid business plans can be a continual, never ending planning session if we don’t truly tap into who we are called to be.  This is your moment! No more starting over again and again! No More stuck on start!

Submit your application and let’s get to know each other! Talk to you soon!

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Are you a woman in ministry? Join Prophetess Sherilyn in beautiful St. Augustine, FL for Sanctuary Circle, her one-day ministry retreat. This encounter will fuel your soul as you connect with other women and glean from their experiences. Ministry can be exhausting. Pouring into others can drain us physically and spiritually. Our retreat will be a great way to steal away and gain clarity, get instruction, and be replenished. Our day will be filled with fun excursions and inspirational moments that will equip you for your assignment! Plus, we have a special guest! See you there!


ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA // $475 (20 spots! Includes lunch and chef-prepared dinner)